<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/81f0fb06-1eea-40aa-87f5-390fb6a62f15/twitter_avatar_round.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/81f0fb06-1eea-40aa-87f5-390fb6a62f15/twitter_avatar_round.png" width="40px" /> The template is already populated with dummy content to show an ideal use case. Feel free to edit the existing content to your liking or delete everything and start from scratch.


Welcome to the Twitter OS Template

A comprehensive Notion dashboard for Twitter Creators that makes it easier to create, distribute, curate, and grow your audience. Create a publishing schedule and set goals for your content. Build a collection of writing templates and swipe files.


Publishing Schedule

Press ‘New’ and select ‘New Content’.

Name your content. Select an existing Content Purpose option or add a new one related to your niche.

Finally, choose a time slot and a weekday to populate your Publishing Schedule.

Goal Tracker

Press ‘New’ and select ‘New Goal’.

Give your goal a name and add related milestones in the database below.

The progress bar is automatically created when you add milestones.


The Templates database is where you can build your own collection of popular tweet and thread templates.

Press ‘New’ and select either ‘New Tweet Template’ or ‘New Thread Template’.

Write the template and embed a link to an example tweet if you want.

You can also favorite a specific template by checking the ‘Favorite’ checkbox. This will place the template in the ‘Favorites’ tab of the Templates section.

Swipe Files

Press ‘New’ and select ‘New Swipe FIle’.

Name your collection. Embed the link to a tweet you want to save and write an analysis of why it performed well.

Last updated July 30, 2022

twitter avatar round.png

Hello, I’m Hunky

I’m the creator of this product. Thank you for supporting me.

Follow me on Twitter to get updates on my newest creations.

Join my newsletter to learn how to use Notion and grow an audience.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at [email protected].